I spent the day with this nut ball. She makes me smile.

M1 = Greek yogurt, PB, cinnamon, half an apple
M2 = cashew tart, some grapes, some chips, and pasta salad

M3 = baked ziti and turkey meatballs

I did another HIIT workout today. 18 minutes of 50 seconds on and 10 seconds rest.

I used my 20 lb sandbag for the backward lunges and the clean and presses. I got a good sweat from this workout but I wouldn’t say it was really hard. That’s probably good though because I don’t want to over exert myself in my first week of getting back into things. After my workout I did day one and two of this yoga challenge. With these HIIT workouts I really need to work on keeping my legs limber. From working them out more I notice they’ve gotten really tight.
Tomorrow I’m thinking of doing squat jumps and reverse push ups. Yeah, that sounds good.

~ by A Bou-tiful Life on June 4, 2013.

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